Wake up! she said. / by Zander Ford

Wake up!

She said, stomping on my foot

Time to get to work

Helping others awake

In their own rightful little nook

Ouch! Ok ok...

Fine, I’ll get out of my way

And let you lead me

To the service, three good deeds for this day

Who can I heal?

Who needs my help?

What can I bring

To ease someone else?

How can I love today

In every direction

In every way?

You, over there

Let me carry your bag

May I push your cart?

Ease your burden,

I know, it’s just a start.

It will get easier

I promise I swear

Together it’s lighter

Much less to bare.

In service we find love

In love we find God

In God we find peace

In peace we find release