Words and Light

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One simple thing

She said to him

‘i love you’

And this time

It carried a different vibration

It floated to his knowing

On a mist of deep connection

On a whispered connection


Ripples feathers make

When Angels are flying off

Or floating above


Cary the same sound

Communicate the same love

And so it was

He came to understand

The love of another

Completely accepting

Completely approving

Completely connected

With Divine wonder of God

From the lips of a teacher

Who had



to find Knowing beyond

Depths of warm shallows

Knowing behind

The curtains

The veils of Mystery’s playhouse

Knowing that transcended it’s own knowing

She was not saying ‘I love you’

She was being Love. Her body, her mind, her essence was communicating and holding him in complete acceptance. Seeing in Him the pulsing, flair of a man, who is a wonderful contributing source of Divine’s art.

And you,


I only want to share with you one thing. One simple and infinitely beautiful thing.

I love you.